Ranking My Clinical Rotations
I thought I’d quickly just list my 9 clinical rotations from year 5 in order from best to worst.
This is purely due to my experience and my liking for the rotation, not necessarily saying the speciality as a whole is the best or the worst.
Cardiology/Cardiothoracic surgery - Do I need to explain? Loved every second of it, it’s what I want to do in the future
Gastroenterology/GI Surgery - Particularly because of ALOT of clinical experience. To be more specific with cannulation. Got ALOT done and got comfortable with mixing drugs too.
Nephrology & Urology - just ignore Nephrology, didn’t like it at all. Urology however was very good particularly because of the 2 doctors in charge of us students. They were amazing and would teach non-stop. Got a lot of experience with rectal exams too. (Feeling an actual prostate with a lump is weird)
Neurology & palliative care - Very organised and ‘clean’ rotation. Does that make sense? It’s just a sophisticated rotation in my opinion. The doctors were amazing and taught a lot and speaking to patients with a stroke was a very different but good experience. Aphasia and all that. Palliative care days just had me emotional all the time. Opened my eyes to the part of medicine I didn’t know much about and it just changed my approach to how I would deal with patients on their last few weeks/months (i’ll write a NL on this maybe for the next issue)
Obgyn - not a huge fan of the rotation as I’m just not interested, but again, got a lot of clinical experience with cervical smears, baby scans, got to scrub into surgery and close up a c-section. So it was good but just not up there for me.
Rheumatology/Dermatology/Plastic surgery - Used to hate it, but after seeing a lot of patients, the diseases are making more sense and I have started to respect the rotation, but it’s just not for me. I used to hate plastic surgery, but after 2 days of plastics, I get it. Saving lives and prolonging life is important, but what plastic surgeons do is different, they can improve quality of life. They can increase someones confidence, functionality, they can increase someones self-worth and how they feel about themselves. My respect has grown a lot for plastic surgery / surgeons.
Paediatrics - Me and babies, canNOT work together. Don’t get me wrong, I am great with babies, but meh, nah - not interested. The ward was boring, didn’t experience much. Neonatal ICU was really good and I examined a lot of newborns and it was great.
Psychiatry - I hate psychiatry. I just don’t like it, and I can’t explain why. It would be at the bottom of the rotation for me. The only reason it’s not is because respiratory was affected because of covid so I barely had any patient exposure. So it just can’t be above psychiatry because at least I got to do some things in psychiatry.
Respiratory - affected by covid. Ward was just occupied by covid + patients and iI had no exposure to patients.
Let me know in the comment below how you would rank your rotations or your subjects etc.
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🚶🏻♂️ About me:
My name is Habib and I am a 5th-year Medical student currently in Cyprus. I grew up in Tanzania (Hakuna Matata is from the local language of my country and the second tallest mountain (Kilimanjaro) is found there).
I’m just a regular Medical student who enjoys what he does and I like to express my creative side through my youtube channel which you can check out too if you’d like :D
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